Driearmige kandelaber

The candlesticks have a neo-classical design, which was very popular in Amsterdam in the last quarter of the 18th century. They are from cast silver decorated with garlands and acanthus leaves. The silversmith Jan Smit (1741–1796) made the top parts of the candelabra. The medallions on them show the coats of arms of the city of Amsterdam and the Temminck family.

Driearmige kandelaber

The candlesticks have a neo-classical design, which was very popular in Amsterdam in the last quarter of the 18th century. They are from cast silver decorated with garlands and acanthus leaves. The silversmith Jan Smit (1741–1796) made the top parts of the candelabra. The medallions on them show the coats of arms of the city of Amsterdam and the Temminck family.