Registratie van Belgische vluchtelingen in de Effectenbeurs te Amsterdam

Although the Netherlands remains neutral in the First World War, the Dutch cannot escape its impact. When German troops march into Belgium in August 1914, many Belgians flee across the border into North Brabant and Limburg. Even more follow when Antwerp falls in October. A million refugees. The Dutch government tries to accommodate them around the country, to spread the burden evenly. Amsterdam absorbs 25,000 Belgians. They register at the stock exchange. Most of them find shelter in schools, churches and harbour depots.

Registratie van Belgische vluchtelingen in de Effectenbeurs te Amsterdam

Although the Netherlands remains neutral in the First World War, the Dutch cannot escape its impact. When German troops march into Belgium in August 1914, many Belgians flee across the border into North Brabant and Limburg. Even more follow when Antwerp falls in October. A million refugees. The Dutch government tries to accommodate them around the country, to spread the burden evenly. Amsterdam absorbs 25,000 Belgians. They register at the stock exchange. Most of them find shelter in schools, churches and harbour depots.