De Korte Prinsengracht gezien vanaf het IJ

Nooms owes his nickname to the voyages he made and to the many ships he portrayed in drawings, etchings and paintings. He was one of the first Dutch artists to paint a view of a town as the main subject of a composition. As you can see in this painting, the Korte Prinsengracht, like the other canals of Amsterdam, was lined with warehouses besides dwellings.

De Korte Prinsengracht gezien vanaf het IJ

Nooms owes his nickname to the voyages he made and to the many ships he portrayed in drawings, etchings and paintings. He was one of the first Dutch artists to paint a view of a town as the main subject of a composition. As you can see in this painting, the Korte Prinsengracht, like the other canals of Amsterdam, was lined with warehouses besides dwellings.