De inwijding van het gebouw van Felix Meritis (31 oktober 1788)

The new building ‘Felix Meritis’ on Keizers-gracht was officially opened on 31 October and 1 November 1788. Twelve years later, Adriaan de Lelie was given the commission for this painting. Jan Hendrik van Swinden, professor of mathematics at the Athenaeum Illustre (ancestor of the University of Amsterdam) is making a speech. His audience consists of prominent members of the Society. The orchestra, visible in the background, performed music especially written for the occasion by Joseph Schmidt. The composer is portrayed next to the speaker, holding his sheet music. De Lelie painted his self-portrait in the background, at the right of van Swinden’s head.

De inwijding van het gebouw van Felix Meritis (31 oktober 1788)

The new building ‘Felix Meritis’ on Keizers-gracht was officially opened on 31 October and 1 November 1788. Twelve years later, Adriaan de Lelie was given the commission for this painting. Jan Hendrik van Swinden, professor of mathematics at the Athenaeum Illustre (ancestor of the University of Amsterdam) is making a speech. His audience consists of prominent members of the Society. The orchestra, visible in the background, performed music especially written for the occasion by Joseph Schmidt. The composer is portrayed next to the speaker, holding his sheet music. De Lelie painted his self-portrait in the background, at the right of van Swinden’s head.