Acht allegorische voorstellingen afkomstig van het plafond in het Leprozenhuis

Around 1675 the governors of the Leprozenhuis (Leper House) commissioned Gérard de Lairesse to decorate the ceiling of the governors room. The ceiling was divided into compartments separarted by joists. The eight paintings contain allegories and personifications, alluding to the charitable works of the Leper House. The central canvas is smaller because it originally abutted on the fireplace. The light falls from the right in all the scenes, in keeping with the natural daylight. In 1707 De Lairesse published his theories on painting in the Groot Schilderboek. Some chapters are devoted to the right use of perspective and to the painting of 'ceiling works' in particular.

Acht allegorische voorstellingen afkomstig van het plafond in het Leprozenhuis

Around 1675 the governors of the Leprozenhuis (Leper House) commissioned Gérard de Lairesse to decorate the ceiling of the governors room. The ceiling was divided into compartments separarted by joists. The eight paintings contain allegories and personifications, alluding to the charitable works of the Leper House. The central canvas is smaller because it originally abutted on the fireplace. The light falls from the right in all the scenes, in keeping with the natural daylight. In 1707 De Lairesse published his theories on painting in the Groot Schilderboek. Some chapters are devoted to the right use of perspective and to the painting of 'ceiling works' in particular.