Schutters van de compagnie van kapitein Jacob Gerritsz. Hoing en luitenant Wybrand Appelman

Captain Jacob Gerritsz Hoing (1555-1625), the commander, presents his company of civic guards. Standing left of centre, he turns towards us with a gesture of the hand. With his other hand he holds a pikestaff, the traditional symbol of a company captain. The Renaissance architecture in the background and the sculptural niches with statues of Minerva and Neptune add a sense of theatre to the portrait.

Schutters van de compagnie van kapitein Jacob Gerritsz. Hoing en luitenant Wybrand Appelman

Captain Jacob Gerritsz Hoing (1555-1625), the commander, presents his company of civic guards. Standing left of centre, he turns towards us with a gesture of the hand. With his other hand he holds a pikestaff, the traditional symbol of a company captain. The Renaissance architecture in the background and the sculptural niches with statues of Minerva and Neptune add a sense of theatre to the portrait.