De overlieden van de Voetboogdoelen

The headmen of the Crossbow Civic Guard House are seated round a table. The ink pot well the landlord is giving them suggests that a meeting is going on. The ceremonial nature of their gathering is further illustrated by the drinking horn of the Crossbow Civic Guard House, which is just being brought in (on view in the museum). It was the job of the four headmen to see to the daily running of the Crossbow Civic Guard House. They had served many years as officers in the civic guard. The man with the letter is soap-manufacturer Hendrick Dirckszn Spieghel (1598-1667), a member of the city council since 1632. He was appointed a colonel in 1653 and held this post until he became burgomaster in 1655. Seated on the right is Joan Huydecoper, who can also be seen in Flinck's group portrait on the opposite wall. The man second from left is Joris Joriszn Backer (1607-1666), a member of the city council since 1638. Like Huydecoper he was a director of the Dutch East India Comapny. Who the fourth man is, is unclear.

De overlieden van de Voetboogdoelen

The headmen of the Crossbow Civic Guard House are seated round a table. The ink pot well the landlord is giving them suggests that a meeting is going on. The ceremonial nature of their gathering is further illustrated by the drinking horn of the Crossbow Civic Guard House, which is just being brought in (on view in the museum). It was the job of the four headmen to see to the daily running of the Crossbow Civic Guard House. They had served many years as officers in the civic guard. The man with the letter is soap-manufacturer Hendrick Dirckszn Spieghel (1598-1667), a member of the city council since 1632. He was appointed a colonel in 1653 and held this post until he became burgomaster in 1655. Seated on the right is Joan Huydecoper, who can also be seen in Flinck's group portrait on the opposite wall. The man second from left is Joris Joriszn Backer (1607-1666), a member of the city council since 1638. Like Huydecoper he was a director of the Dutch East India Comapny. Who the fourth man is, is unclear.