De overlieden van de Handboogdoelen

Four men, surrounded by old civic guard silver. They run the Handboogdoelen, the headquarters of the longbowmen’s guild. This is a highly sought-after post, because the governors hire out the building for receptions and buffets—and pocket the profits. Only the most influential men need apply, men like former burgomaster Frans Banninck Cocq (left). A familiar name.

De overlieden van de Handboogdoelen

Four men, surrounded by old civic guard silver. They run the Handboogdoelen, the headquarters of the longbowmen’s guild. This is a highly sought-after post, because the governors hire out the building for receptions and buffets—and pocket the profits. Only the most influential men need apply, men like former burgomaster Frans Banninck Cocq (left). A familiar name.