Schutters van Wijk 1 onder kapitein Joan Huydecoper en luitenant Frans van Waveren

Bonfires are lit because the Peace of Münster has been signed and the Dutch Republic has gained international recognition. The star of this show, though, is Joan Huydecoper, the corpulent captain in black. It was probably this immensely rich merchant who commissioned the civic guard portrait; his house appears in it. Above his head to the right we see Govert Flinck, who made this painting and has clearly studied The Night Watch.

Schutters van Wijk 1 onder kapitein Joan Huydecoper en luitenant Frans van Waveren

Bonfires are lit because the Peace of Münster has been signed and the Dutch Republic has gained international recognition. The star of this show, though, is Joan Huydecoper, the corpulent captain in black. It was probably this immensely rich merchant who commissioned the civic guard portrait; his house appears in it. Above his head to the right we see Govert Flinck, who made this painting and has clearly studied The Night Watch.