Maaltijd van schutters van Wijk IX onder kapitein Jacob Backer en luitenant Jacob Rogh

Frans Hals paints flamboyant civic guard banquets in Haarlem. Inspired by him, Nicolaes Pickenoy pictures this company at a festive board. The painting is occasioned by the departure of Captain Jacob Backer, seated on the left, who has been elected burgomaster and has to leave the civic guard. The ensign, the young officer carrying the flag, comes to greet him. He will doubtless go far.

Maaltijd van schutters van Wijk IX onder kapitein Jacob Backer en luitenant Jacob Rogh

Frans Hals paints flamboyant civic guard banquets in Haarlem. Inspired by him, Nicolaes Pickenoy pictures this company at a festive board. The painting is occasioned by the departure of Captain Jacob Backer, seated on the left, who has been elected burgomaster and has to leave the civic guard. The ensign, the young officer carrying the flag, comes to greet him. He will doubtless go far.