Schutters van Wijk V onder kapitein Matthijs Willemsz. Raephorst en luitenant Hendrick Lauwrensz.

Matthijs Willemszn Raephorst (1599-1638) was one of the four captains who escorted the procession of prince Fredrik Hendrik into Amsterdam in 1628. It was possibly to commemorate this occasion that he had a portrait painted with his company by Nicolaes Pickenoy. Before Rembrandt appeared on the Amsterdam scene in the early 1630s, Nicolaes Pickenoy and Thomas de Keyser were the chief portrait painters. Both of them painted several civic guard group portraits. In this painting, Pickenoy retained the traditional composition of two rows of guardsmen, seperated by a balustrade. The imposing triumphal arch at the centre back is somewhat reminiscent of the through view in the civic guard piece by Badens in this gallery. It also anticipates the similar motif in Rembrandt's Night Watch from 1642.

Schutters van Wijk V onder kapitein Matthijs Willemsz. Raephorst en luitenant Hendrick Lauwrensz.

Matthijs Willemszn Raephorst (1599-1638) was one of the four captains who escorted the procession of prince Fredrik Hendrik into Amsterdam in 1628. It was possibly to commemorate this occasion that he had a portrait painted with his company by Nicolaes Pickenoy. Before Rembrandt appeared on the Amsterdam scene in the early 1630s, Nicolaes Pickenoy and Thomas de Keyser were the chief portrait painters. Both of them painted several civic guard group portraits. In this painting, Pickenoy retained the traditional composition of two rows of guardsmen, seperated by a balustrade. The imposing triumphal arch at the centre back is somewhat reminiscent of the through view in the civic guard piece by Badens in this gallery. It also anticipates the similar motif in Rembrandt's Night Watch from 1642.