Schuttersmaaltijd (Kloveniersdoelen)

This painting was one of the many civic guard pieces that hung in the Kloveniersdoelen, the House of the Arquebusiers Civic Guard. At the left one of the militiamen can be seen holding a piece of sheet music with the words: 'die Man, dat Wijf' (That Man, that Woman). This song was possibly one of the popular pieces sung during such meals. Another painting of civic guardsman shows a similar song text. It is not certain that this painting is by Barend Dircksz. In the past it has also been attributed to Dirck Jacobsz (1496-1567) or a 'Master Herman'.

Schuttersmaaltijd (Kloveniersdoelen)

This painting was one of the many civic guard pieces that hung in the Kloveniersdoelen, the House of the Arquebusiers Civic Guard. At the left one of the militiamen can be seen holding a piece of sheet music with the words: 'die Man, dat Wijf' (That Man, that Woman). This song was possibly one of the popular pieces sung during such meals. Another painting of civic guardsman shows a similar song text. It is not certain that this painting is by Barend Dircksz. In the past it has also been attributed to Dirck Jacobsz (1496-1567) or a 'Master Herman'.