Rot van de kloveniers met twee schutterskoningen (Kloveniersdoelen)

Eighteen arquebusiers pose against an un-Dutch landscape with rocks and castles. The arquebusiers form a squad from the arquebusiers’ guild - named after the arquebus, a long-barrelled gun known in Dutch as the klover. Together with two other groups of civic guards they were responsible for maintaining public order in the city. Several men stand holding a gun, a reference to the guild. Two champion arquebusiers, strikingly decorated with staff and chain of office, occupy the centre foreground. These are the winners of the annual popinjay shoot. In this competition, organized by the civic guards, a wooden parrot had to be shot from a post. Evidently this squad of arquebusiers had produced a winner in two successive years.

Rot van de kloveniers met twee schutterskoningen (Kloveniersdoelen)

Eighteen arquebusiers pose against an un-Dutch landscape with rocks and castles. The arquebusiers form a squad from the arquebusiers’ guild - named after the arquebus, a long-barrelled gun known in Dutch as the klover. Together with two other groups of civic guards they were responsible for maintaining public order in the city. Several men stand holding a gun, a reference to the guild. Two champion arquebusiers, strikingly decorated with staff and chain of office, occupy the centre foreground. These are the winners of the annual popinjay shoot. In this competition, organized by the civic guards, a wooden parrot had to be shot from a post. Evidently this squad of arquebusiers had produced a winner in two successive years.