Sabel met schede van de Amsterdamse commissaris Voordewind

Between the years 1880 and 1920 the Dutch agrarian economy was at a low ebb and almost three quarters of the Frisian population went in search of work elsewhere. Some found jobs in Amsterdam as a policeman, teacher, tradesman or servant. In 1911 Hendrik Voordewind had just finished school in Leeuwarden when he read an advertisement for recruits from Friesland to work in the Amsterdam police force. The city was expanding fast and there was a great shortage of police. The work appealed to Voordewind and soon he was on a ferry boat along with many others, sailing to Amsterdam. In a time of great social unrest Voordewind had to deal with strikes and street riots. He was promoted to the rank of inspector and later became head of the police investigations department. After his retirement he wrote his memoirs.

Sabel met schede van de Amsterdamse commissaris Voordewind

Between the years 1880 and 1920 the Dutch agrarian economy was at a low ebb and almost three quarters of the Frisian population went in search of work elsewhere. Some found jobs in Amsterdam as a policeman, teacher, tradesman or servant. In 1911 Hendrik Voordewind had just finished school in Leeuwarden when he read an advertisement for recruits from Friesland to work in the Amsterdam police force. The city was expanding fast and there was a great shortage of police. The work appealed to Voordewind and soon he was on a ferry boat along with many others, sailing to Amsterdam. In a time of great social unrest Voordewind had to deal with strikes and street riots. He was promoted to the rank of inspector and later became head of the police investigations department. After his retirement he wrote his memoirs.