Jaarlijst bestuursleden Burgerweeshuis

This frame has the painted coats of arms of the people who in 1737 were on the board of governors, or regents, for Amsterdam’s Civic Orphanage. Crowning the list are the figures of two orphan boys with a dove inside an aureole. Homes for the poor and orphanages were also called in Dutch ‘God’s houses’ because care for the poor and needy was one of the Christian responsibilities. The dove inside the aureole refers to this love for one’s fellows as exemplified in the orphanage. The two orphan boys represent the children who lived there.

Jaarlijst bestuursleden Burgerweeshuis

This frame has the painted coats of arms of the people who in 1737 were on the board of governors, or regents, for Amsterdam’s Civic Orphanage. Crowning the list are the figures of two orphan boys with a dove inside an aureole. Homes for the poor and orphanages were also called in Dutch ‘God’s houses’ because care for the poor and needy was one of the Christian responsibilities. The dove inside the aureole refers to this love for one’s fellows as exemplified in the orphanage. The two orphan boys represent the children who lived there.