
The Fokker aircraft factory was based in Amsterdam-North and employed 4,100 people. During the feast of St Nicholas in 1945 or 1946, the children received this doll’s pram from a number of the workers. The girls were given the pram and the boys a meccano building set. The pram is made out of aircraft construction scrap materials. “I started at Fokker in 1961, and was very happy in my career there until 1995. The Fokker factories comprised different branches: the new construction branch and the military branch. Fokker was a social company that did much for its workers. It was the Gulf War that did Fokker in, as many orders were cancelled at that time. When Fokker went into liquidation it still had orders pending for the next two years, so in my opinion it wasn’t necessary to let Fokker go in 1996. I think that with rigorous cutbacks Fokker might have been able to make it …” ( Mr. Van der Hulst)


The Fokker aircraft factory was based in Amsterdam-North and employed 4,100 people. During the feast of St Nicholas in 1945 or 1946, the children received this doll’s pram from a number of the workers. The girls were given the pram and the boys a meccano building set. The pram is made out of aircraft construction scrap materials. “I started at Fokker in 1961, and was very happy in my career there until 1995. The Fokker factories comprised different branches: the new construction branch and the military branch. Fokker was a social company that did much for its workers. It was the Gulf War that did Fokker in, as many orders were cancelled at that time. When Fokker went into liquidation it still had orders pending for the next two years, so in my opinion it wasn’t necessary to let Fokker go in 1996. I think that with rigorous cutbacks Fokker might have been able to make it …” ( Mr. Van der Hulst)