Keten van het Kloveniersgilde

An annual highlight of life in the civic guard was the parrotshooting contest. This was a test of marksmanship in which challengers shot at a wooden parrot on a pole. The winner would be decorated with this regal chain and sceptre. The Harquebusier’s chain dates from 1547. The name plates were added later; they give the names of the winners of 1638 and 1663. The chain has a bird pendant: the parrot which was the target of the shooting competition. The links incorporate a claw, the Harquebusier (clauwenier) symbol.

Keten van het Kloveniersgilde

An annual highlight of life in the civic guard was the parrotshooting contest. This was a test of marksmanship in which challengers shot at a wooden parrot on a pole. The winner would be decorated with this regal chain and sceptre. The Harquebusier’s chain dates from 1547. The name plates were added later; they give the names of the winners of 1638 and 1663. The chain has a bird pendant: the parrot which was the target of the shooting competition. The links incorporate a claw, the Harquebusier (clauwenier) symbol.