Overhemd van Piet Paris-outfit

Fashion aficionado and illustrator Pieter ’t Hoen of Amsterdam sees clothes as a form of self-expression, of conveying a sense of identity. Clothes by Dutch and international designers who really think about form and quality are ’t Hoen’s favourite. As director of Arnhem’s fashion biennale in 2009, ’t Hoen wore this skirt by Francisco van Benthum. Wearing a skirt is in his opinion a way of presenting yourself, a way of showing what and who you are. Beauty relates to culture. Why is something considered beautiful, or not? A skirt is not a sign of masculinity in the Western world, although in the Levant they wear a caftan. In the Netherlands, ’t Hoen feels that wearing a skirt is part of the debate about aesthetics. He wears a skirt not because it’s comfortable, but to challenge people to question. Wearing a skirt takes courage. Unfortunately, some people refuse to accept it. For example, ’t Hoen was barred from a club when he wore this skirt.

Overhemd van Piet Paris-outfit

Fashion aficionado and illustrator Pieter ’t Hoen of Amsterdam sees clothes as a form of self-expression, of conveying a sense of identity. Clothes by Dutch and international designers who really think about form and quality are ’t Hoen’s favourite. As director of Arnhem’s fashion biennale in 2009, ’t Hoen wore this skirt by Francisco van Benthum. Wearing a skirt is in his opinion a way of presenting yourself, a way of showing what and who you are. Beauty relates to culture. Why is something considered beautiful, or not? A skirt is not a sign of masculinity in the Western world, although in the Levant they wear a caftan. In the Netherlands, ’t Hoen feels that wearing a skirt is part of the debate about aesthetics. He wears a skirt not because it’s comfortable, but to challenge people to question. Wearing a skirt takes courage. Unfortunately, some people refuse to accept it. For example, ’t Hoen was barred from a club when he wore this skirt.