Linkerleeuw van bekroning van binnenpoort van het Rasphuis

Surmounting the former gateway into the men’s house of correction were two sculpted lions flanking a shield. It is clear from the shield that in the house of correction, or prison, weaving went on. On one side stands a weaver of velveteen and on the other is a man working with threads. The lions had double faces and could thus be seen from both sides of the gateway. This was the situation in 1598. In 1599 the prison was granted the monopoly on the production of wood chippings and sawdust. A tympanum was built above the gateway. Above it were portrayed two men producing sawdust. The lions were hacked into, to fit them inside the tympanum.

Linkerleeuw van bekroning van binnenpoort van het Rasphuis

Surmounting the former gateway into the men’s house of correction were two sculpted lions flanking a shield. It is clear from the shield that in the house of correction, or prison, weaving went on. On one side stands a weaver of velveteen and on the other is a man working with threads. The lions had double faces and could thus be seen from both sides of the gateway. This was the situation in 1598. In 1599 the prison was granted the monopoly on the production of wood chippings and sawdust. A tympanum was built above the gateway. Above it were portrayed two men producing sawdust. The lions were hacked into, to fit them inside the tympanum.