Hoog geboomte aan een water. Heuvellandschap (Verso). Fr. titel: Paysage avec des arbres au bord de l'eau

C.J. Fodor bought this drawing in 1860 at an auction in Paris for 1720 francs. Claude Gelée (known as Le Lorrain) is regarded as the most important French landscape painter of the 17th century. He worked almost all his life in Italy. Lorrain’s landscapes were influenced not only by his Italian colleagues but also by Dutch artists working in Italy.

Hoog geboomte aan een water. Heuvellandschap (Verso). Fr. titel: Paysage avec des arbres au bord de l'eau

C.J. Fodor bought this drawing in 1860 at an auction in Paris for 1720 francs. Claude Gelée (known as Le Lorrain) is regarded as the most important French landscape painter of the 17th century. He worked almost all his life in Italy. Lorrain’s landscapes were influenced not only by his Italian colleagues but also by Dutch artists working in Italy.