De terugkomst in Amsterdam van de tweede expeditie naar Oost-Indië

In the 16th century the only Europeans to trade with the East Indies were the Spanish and Portuguese, but by the end of the century the Dutch were beginning to undermine their position. After unsuccessful attempts to find a new route to the east via the Arctic, a Dutch fleet undertook the first expedition to the East Indies via the Cape of Good Hope in 1595-1596. Several ships sank and the loss of life was severe. In 1598 a second, highly profitable voyage was undertaken with 8 ships. This painting shows the return of the first 4 vessels to Amsterdam. Countless boats sailed out to welcome the homecoming fleet. The people blew trumpets and waved flags as the East Indiamen fired gun-salutes and the church-bells rang.

De terugkomst in Amsterdam van de tweede expeditie naar Oost-Indië

In the 16th century the only Europeans to trade with the East Indies were the Spanish and Portuguese, but by the end of the century the Dutch were beginning to undermine their position. After unsuccessful attempts to find a new route to the east via the Arctic, a Dutch fleet undertook the first expedition to the East Indies via the Cape of Good Hope in 1595-1596. Several ships sank and the loss of life was severe. In 1598 a second, highly profitable voyage was undertaken with 8 ships. This painting shows the return of the first 4 vessels to Amsterdam. Countless boats sailed out to welcome the homecoming fleet. The people blew trumpets and waved flags as the East Indiamen fired gun-salutes and the church-bells rang.