Slag in de Sont

Since Amsterdam conducted a large portion of its trade with the countries around the Baltic Sea, a free passage trough the Sound was essential. So when the Sound threatened to become impassable due to the war between Sweden and Denmark, the Dutch Republic took action. A Dutch fleet engaged the Swedes in a battle in 1658. Heavy losses were suffered on both sides, but the result was that the Sound remained open. Passing ships had to pay a toll at the Danish castle of Kronborg, which is to be seen in the right background of the painting. Van de Velde was considered one of the best marine painters of his day. Like his other paintings of naval battles, this picture is based on sketches he made as an eye witness.

Slag in de Sont

Since Amsterdam conducted a large portion of its trade with the countries around the Baltic Sea, a free passage trough the Sound was essential. So when the Sound threatened to become impassable due to the war between Sweden and Denmark, the Dutch Republic took action. A Dutch fleet engaged the Swedes in a battle in 1658. Heavy losses were suffered on both sides, but the result was that the Sound remained open. Passing ships had to pay a toll at the Danish castle of Kronborg, which is to be seen in the right background of the painting. Van de Velde was considered one of the best marine painters of his day. Like his other paintings of naval battles, this picture is based on sketches he made as an eye witness.