Dirck Jacobsz. Bas (1569-1637) en zijn familie

Dirck Jacobsz Bas, a founding member of the Dutch East India Company is portrayed as a pater familias surrounded by his family. Like his wife, Margrita Snoecks (1588-1645) he is wearing respectable, traditional dress. The younger members are dressed more fashionably. The painting was one of Dirck Santvoort's first major portrait commissions. He specialized in depicting the fashionable lace collars worn here by daughters Machteld, Agatha and Elisabeth (left to right). Beside Elisabeth is son Jacob, in a pale outfit, while on the far left is son-in-law Abraham de Visscher. he is gesturing to his son, also called Abraham, in front with the dog. The Bas family was probably painted in 1635 when son Nicolaes, standing to his father's left, departed on his grand tour. He died in the same year.

Dirck Jacobsz. Bas (1569-1637) en zijn familie

Dirck Jacobsz Bas, a founding member of the Dutch East India Company is portrayed as a pater familias surrounded by his family. Like his wife, Margrita Snoecks (1588-1645) he is wearing respectable, traditional dress. The younger members are dressed more fashionably. The painting was one of Dirck Santvoort's first major portrait commissions. He specialized in depicting the fashionable lace collars worn here by daughters Machteld, Agatha and Elisabeth (left to right). Beside Elisabeth is son Jacob, in a pale outfit, while on the far left is son-in-law Abraham de Visscher. he is gesturing to his son, also called Abraham, in front with the dog. The Bas family was probably painted in 1635 when son Nicolaes, standing to his father's left, departed on his grand tour. He died in the same year.