Interieur van de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam, zicht door het transept naat het noorden

A sunny day in Amsterdam’s Oude Kerk. Christian worshippers listen attentively to the preacher’s words. Until 1578, this church was dedicated to St Nicholas, the city’s patron saint. When the Protestants took over the Catholic statues and altars were removed. Henceforth, congregants focused their attention on the new pulpit, in the middle of the church.

Interieur van de Oude Kerk te Amsterdam, zicht door het transept naat het noorden

A sunny day in Amsterdam’s Oude Kerk. Christian worshippers listen attentively to the preacher’s words. Until 1578, this church was dedicated to St Nicholas, the city’s patron saint. When the Protestants took over the Catholic statues and altars were removed. Henceforth, congregants focused their attention on the new pulpit, in the middle of the church.