Het varken op de leer met gezicht op de Haarlemmerpoort

A woman wheeling a barrow of vegetables is passing a butcher where a freshly slaughtered pig is stretched on a rack. Three children are playing with the pig’s bladder. Selling food was generally women’s work in Amsterdam’s markets. All you needed to sell vegetables was a barrow and some cash to buy the produce. For women at the lower end of Amsterdam’s economy, setting up as a greengrocer was a relatively easy way to earn some money.

Het varken op de leer met gezicht op de Haarlemmerpoort

A woman wheeling a barrow of vegetables is passing a butcher where a freshly slaughtered pig is stretched on a rack. Three children are playing with the pig’s bladder. Selling food was generally women’s work in Amsterdam’s markets. All you needed to sell vegetables was a barrow and some cash to buy the produce. For women at the lower end of Amsterdam’s economy, setting up as a greengrocer was a relatively easy way to earn some money.