Doovenmans deur

Johan Braakensiek is mainly known for his political cartoons, published for forty years in the left-wing weekly De Groene Amsterdammer. He also illustrated the books of children’s author Dik Trom. ‘Deaf Man’s Door’ was painted during the 1930s slump. It is a painted cartoon, showing the unemployed in front of a closed ‘Deaf Man’s Door’ at the employment office. The message may have been specially addressed to the deaf. Braakensiek was himself hard of hearing and was much involved in their cause.

Doovenmans deur

Johan Braakensiek is mainly known for his political cartoons, published for forty years in the left-wing weekly De Groene Amsterdammer. He also illustrated the books of children’s author Dik Trom. ‘Deaf Man’s Door’ was painted during the 1930s slump. It is a painted cartoon, showing the unemployed in front of a closed ‘Deaf Man’s Door’ at the employment office. The message may have been specially addressed to the deaf. Braakensiek was himself hard of hearing and was much involved in their cause.