Nederlandse schepen in de Sont

On their way to the Baltic Dutch ships had to sail trough The Sound, a narrow channel between Denmark and Sweden. since 1423 all ships had to pay a toll to the Danish king at Kronborg Castle, wich is to be seen in the left background. This route was of vital importance, ansd on several occasions caused war to break out between Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. The Dutch ships carried salt, wine, herring, cheese and textiles to the notrh; they brought back mostly corn and wood, but also iron, hides, hemp and dried cod. From 1695 onwards these cargoes were carried by ' flutes' , a type of ship which can ben seen here flanked by two warships.

Nederlandse schepen in de Sont

On their way to the Baltic Dutch ships had to sail trough The Sound, a narrow channel between Denmark and Sweden. since 1423 all ships had to pay a toll to the Danish king at Kronborg Castle, wich is to be seen in the left background. This route was of vital importance, ansd on several occasions caused war to break out between Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. The Dutch ships carried salt, wine, herring, cheese and textiles to the notrh; they brought back mostly corn and wood, but also iron, hides, hemp and dried cod. From 1695 onwards these cargoes were carried by ' flutes' , a type of ship which can ben seen here flanked by two warships.