Schutters van Wijk VIII onder kapitein Albert Coenraetsz. Burgh en luitenant Pieter Evertsz. Hulft

A career in public life in Amsterdam was hardly complete without a term as officer in the civic guard. In this civic guard piece the sergeant hands a list of the men in the picture to the captain, merchant and dyer Albert Burgh (1593-1647). The latter’s political career included diplomatic missions to Denmark and Russia as well as a term as burgomaster. He was also a director of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC).

Schutters van Wijk VIII onder kapitein Albert Coenraetsz. Burgh en luitenant Pieter Evertsz. Hulft

A career in public life in Amsterdam was hardly complete without a term as officer in the civic guard. In this civic guard piece the sergeant hands a list of the men in the picture to the captain, merchant and dyer Albert Burgh (1593-1647). The latter’s political career included diplomatic missions to Denmark and Russia as well as a term as burgomaster. He was also a director of the Dutch West Indies Company (WIC).