De Dam in 1604 tijdens de laatste Leprozenommegang op Koppertjesmaandag

After 1604 lepers were forbidden to collect alms on ‘Koppertjesmaandag’, the first Monday after Epiphany. This painting from 1633 records the old tradition for posterity. Koppertjesmaandag’ was a day of feasting in Amsterdam. On that Monday, lepers were allowed to collect alms in the city. In 1633 Adriaan van Nieulandt completed the commission from the governors of the home for lepers to paint the then defunct Procession of Lepers. In 1602 1143 persons invested in the Amsterdam Chamber of the new amalgamated Dutch Eastindia Company. About 40 percent of them participated for less than thousand guilders. Among the artisans and other people with modest resources were one teacher and three artists. One of them was Adriaan van Nieuwland, who made this painting. He invested 300 guilders, the income of an average carpenter.

De Dam in 1604 tijdens de laatste Leprozenommegang op Koppertjesmaandag

After 1604 lepers were forbidden to collect alms on ‘Koppertjesmaandag’, the first Monday after Epiphany. This painting from 1633 records the old tradition for posterity. Koppertjesmaandag’ was a day of feasting in Amsterdam. On that Monday, lepers were allowed to collect alms in the city. In 1633 Adriaan van Nieulandt completed the commission from the governors of the home for lepers to paint the then defunct Procession of Lepers. In 1602 1143 persons invested in the Amsterdam Chamber of the new amalgamated Dutch Eastindia Company. About 40 percent of them participated for less than thousand guilders. Among the artisans and other people with modest resources were one teacher and three artists. One of them was Adriaan van Nieuwland, who made this painting. He invested 300 guilders, the income of an average carpenter.