Waterlijnmodel passagiersschip ms. "Oslofjord"

Building the Oslofjord liner was the first large order given to the Dutch Shipping Company (NDSM) after the Second World War. The NDSM wanted to demonstrate that the Amsterdam shipping industry had recovered. The ship was built according to the most modern postwar principles and the interior designed following the latest fashions. Passengers could choose to travel First or Tourist Class. It was possible to ship your car too. The entire ship was air-conditioned. The ship’s engine was supplied by the Amsterdam company of Stork. The model here was a gift from the NDSM to the Wits Company, who supplied the paint for the Oslofjord.

Waterlijnmodel passagiersschip ms. "Oslofjord"

Building the Oslofjord liner was the first large order given to the Dutch Shipping Company (NDSM) after the Second World War. The NDSM wanted to demonstrate that the Amsterdam shipping industry had recovered. The ship was built according to the most modern postwar principles and the interior designed following the latest fashions. Passengers could choose to travel First or Tourist Class. It was possible to ship your car too. The entire ship was air-conditioned. The ship’s engine was supplied by the Amsterdam company of Stork. The model here was a gift from the NDSM to the Wits Company, who supplied the paint for the Oslofjord.