'JACOB IN T WYTHOF', gevelsteen

A half circle plaque showing a man walking in a cornfield. In the left corner is a cottage. On the bottom edge it reads JACOB INT WYTHOF. The pictured figure is described as the patriarch Jacob, referring to his 'exotic' clothing, long robe and turban-like hat and his staff. Alternatively, the image may represent the name of the 18th-century resident Jacob Wythof who acquired the property in 1745 and possibly renovated it. Moreover, his wife was named Anna Jacobs, another possible suggestion for the name of the plaque. The tablet originates from Egelantiersgracht no. 87 and was donated by the Royal Archaeological Society K.O.G. in 1931. Size: 50 x 80cm.

'JACOB IN T WYTHOF', gevelsteen

A half circle plaque showing a man walking in a cornfield. In the left corner is a cottage. On the bottom edge it reads JACOB INT WYTHOF. The pictured figure is described as the patriarch Jacob, referring to his 'exotic' clothing, long robe and turban-like hat and his staff. Alternatively, the image may represent the name of the 18th-century resident Jacob Wythof who acquired the property in 1745 and possibly renovated it. Moreover, his wife was named Anna Jacobs, another possible suggestion for the name of the plaque. The tablet originates from Egelantiersgracht no. 87 and was donated by the Royal Archaeological Society K.O.G. in 1931. Size: 50 x 80cm.