Condoomdoosje 'De Rode Draad'

Metje Blaak, from prostitute to film maker Metje Blaak (b. 1949) worked as a prostitute for many years, in sex clubs such as Yab Yum, as well as independently. She wrote about her experiences in her autobiographical Who the Fuck is Daatje Smit? (1997). In 1998, she produced De trukendoos, handboek voor hoeren (The Box of Tricks: Manual for Whores). In 2001, she moved into Nes 39 in Amsterdam. Here she opened a studio and started Metjemorfoses, photographing women, made up and dressed in the clothes she used to wear as a prostitute. She also makes films about prostitution and the changes in the Wallen district. As one of the few prostitutes to openly discuss her (former) profession, Metje Blaak is the public face of Rode Draad (Red Thread), an organisation of 25 years standing that defends the interests of prostitutes.

Condoomdoosje 'De Rode Draad'

Metje Blaak, from prostitute to film maker Metje Blaak (b. 1949) worked as a prostitute for many years, in sex clubs such as Yab Yum, as well as independently. She wrote about her experiences in her autobiographical Who the Fuck is Daatje Smit? (1997). In 1998, she produced De trukendoos, handboek voor hoeren (The Box of Tricks: Manual for Whores). In 2001, she moved into Nes 39 in Amsterdam. Here she opened a studio and started Metjemorfoses, photographing women, made up and dressed in the clothes she used to wear as a prostitute. She also makes films about prostitution and the changes in the Wallen district. As one of the few prostitutes to openly discuss her (former) profession, Metje Blaak is the public face of Rode Draad (Red Thread), an organisation of 25 years standing that defends the interests of prostitutes.