Afbeelding van de illuminatie bij de Botermarkt: vernietiging van de oude constitutie

One of the main demands of the Patriots was that a new form of government be created. They wanted a constitution which would guarantee the freedom and rights of all people. The decoration shown here showed, using a propagandist manner, from left to right the hated features of the old regime. We see the feudal rights, the trickery, the nobility, the hierarchy, the use of force, and military conscription. At the centre, rising out of a millstone, is the orangetree,symbolofthe House of Orange. Above flutter the seven flags of the old Republic and we see the bust of the last of the stadholders, Willem V. Turning the Wheel of Chance, on which are written the words ‘Aristocracy or the lnterests of the Family’, we see the figure of Envy. Children run away from the figure of the despot.

Afbeelding van de illuminatie bij de Botermarkt: vernietiging van de oude constitutie

One of the main demands of the Patriots was that a new form of government be created. They wanted a constitution which would guarantee the freedom and rights of all people. The decoration shown here showed, using a propagandist manner, from left to right the hated features of the old regime. We see the feudal rights, the trickery, the nobility, the hierarchy, the use of force, and military conscription. At the centre, rising out of a millstone, is the orangetree,symbolofthe House of Orange. Above flutter the seven flags of the old Republic and we see the bust of the last of the stadholders, Willem V. Turning the Wheel of Chance, on which are written the words ‘Aristocracy or the lnterests of the Family’, we see the figure of Envy. Children run away from the figure of the despot.