Royaal Coffeeshock

Around 1980, Ivar decides he would like to attend the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy in Amsterdam. He sometimes attends lessons and tutors offer him guidance, for example when he works on this portrait of Princess Juliana. It's a strikingly congenial portrait, completed just a year after the 'Geen woning, geen kroning' (=No home, no coronation)-riots. The Handelsblad Building, where Dr. Rat (occasionally) lives, plays a major role in the anti-monarchy demonstrations.

Royaal Coffeeshock

Around 1980, Ivar decides he would like to attend the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy in Amsterdam. He sometimes attends lessons and tutors offer him guidance, for example when he works on this portrait of Princess Juliana. It's a strikingly congenial portrait, completed just a year after the 'Geen woning, geen kroning' (=No home, no coronation)-riots. The Handelsblad Building, where Dr. Rat (occasionally) lives, plays a major role in the anti-monarchy demonstrations.