Unified Democracy Scores UDS
Educational Inequality Gini Coefficient
SO2 Emissions per Capita
Exchange Rates to US Dollar
Pigs per Capita
Regulation of Participation PARREG
Bauxite Production
Average Years of Education
Total Urban Population
Total SO2 Emissions
Labourers Real Wage
Number of Labour Disputes
Exchange Rates to UK Pound
Infant Mortality
Book Titles per Capita
Zinc Production
Armed conflicts (Internal)
Gold Standard
Female life expectancy at Birth
Goats per Capita
Historical Gender Equality Index
Competitiveness of Participations PARCOMP
Sex Ratio
Tungsten Production
Iron Ore Production
Life Expectancy at Birth Total
Total Gross Central Government Debt as a Percentage of GDP
Total Cropland
Urbanization Ratio
Total Number of Sheep
Cattle per Capita
Political Participation
Height Gini
Homicide Rates
Universities Founded
Income Inequality
Lead Production
Political Competition
Gender-equal Inheritance
Gender Equality Years of Education
Pasture per Capita
Aluminium Production
Share of Women in Parliament
Biodiversity - naturalness
Total Number of Goats
Competitiveness of Executive Recruitment XRCOMP
Armed Conflicts (International)
Openness of Executive Recruitment XROPEN
Nickel Production