Peasant landlord, working own ...... the property 'pro sua fatica'.
paysan propriétaire (travailla ...... leur rente « pro sua fatica »)
Marianaio (sailor). Calafato ( ...... g, servicing or sailing ships.
métiers de la construction nav ...... pertoiaio, maestro di barche )
Servant of private family. Fan ...... on) someone else for a salary.
serviteurs de particulier (fante, fattore, sta con…)
Servant of ecclesiastical inst ...... al or charitable institutions.
serviteurs d’institutions ecclésiastiques (spedaliere, fante…)
Employee of commune. Vigilaio ...... -military government servants.
employés d’administrations de la commune (vigilaio, piffero, meziere, corriere, messo…)
Soldier. All military government servants. This and category 13 includes all ranks.
militaires (soldato, « al soldo », provigionato...)
Employee of guild (includes persons employed by the guild administration).
employés des Arti (fante dell’arte di...)
Cuoco (cook).
métiers de bouche (cuoco)
Becchino (gravedigger).
Scribe (scribe). Factor in con ...... s, especially the illiterate).
attore di pupilli, bullettaio
Miscellaneous. Catch-all category for those professions not covered by the other 98.
Peasant leasing land (he may a ...... of perpetual rents is ignored.
paysan louant des terres (tout ...... considérés comme propriétés.)
Vetturale (transporter of pers ...... transporting goods over land.
transports (vetturale, carretaio, portatore, carradore, legatore...)
Guidice (judge) e notaio (nota ...... acher rather than as a notary.
hommes de justice, d’écritures, greffier (giudice, notaio, « ser », scriba)
Mercatante (a great merchant, ...... rned with sale of wool cloth).
arte di Calimala, mercatante
Cambiatore (money changer). Ba ...... of cities had their own mints.
arte del Cambio, cambiatore, banchiere, tavoliere
Lanaio (wool manufacturer or m ...... e Art della Lana (wool guild).
arte della lana, lanaiolo, ritagliatore, pannaiolo, drappiere...
Setaiolo (silk merchant, silk weaver). Members of the guild of Por S.Maria.
arte della seta, setaiolo
Medico e speziale (seller of spices). Saponaio (soap-maker). Dealer s in spices.
arte dei medici e speziali, medico, speziale, saponaio...
Vaiaio (furrier dealing in 'va ...... embers of the furriers' guild.
arte dei vaiai, vaiaio, pellicciaio
Beccaio (butcher). Polaiolo (b ...... ve to do with meat processing.
arte dei beccai, beccaio, carnaiolo, pollaiolo
Calzolaio (shoemaker). Stampat ...... bers of the shoemakers' guild.
calzolaio, stampatore, ciabattino
Mezzadro or share-cropper. He ...... ials in computing liabilities.
métayer (mezzadro) (pouvant au ...... nnée à son statut de métayer.)
Fabbro ('smith,' exclusively a worker in iron).
Rigattiere e linaiuolo (dealers in linen cloth, second in second-hand clothing )
rigattiere, linaiolo