An activity is something that ...... using, or generating entities.
An agent is something that bea ...... for another agent's activity.
An activity association is an ...... the context of this activity.
Attribution is the ascribing o ...... y is not known, or irrelevant.
A collection is an entity that ...... be member of the collections.
Communication is the exchange ...... entity generated by the other.
Delegation is the assignment o ...... onsibility and to what degree.
A derivation is a transformati ...... ased on a pre-existing entity.
End is when an activity is dee ...... er that generated the trigger.
An entity is a physical, digit ...... ies may be real or imaginary.
Generation is the completion o ...... r usage after this generation.
Influence is the capacity of a ...... n, association, or delegation.
The PROV data model is implici ...... er concepts and its semantics.
Invalidation is the start of t ...... ity precedes its invalidation.
A location can be an identifia ...... dress, landmark, and so forth.
A plan is an entity that repre ...... agents to achieve some goals.
A primary source for a topic r ...... thin the application's domain.
A quotation is the repeat of ( ...... particular case of derivation.
A revision is a derivation for ...... particular case of derivation.
A role is the function of an e ...... , association, start, and end.
Start is when an activity is d ...... r, that generated the trigger.
Usage is the beginning of util ...... e been affected by the entity.
Two alternate entities present ...... ay or may not overlap in time.
An entity that is a specializa ...... xt associated with the entity.
Attribution is the ascribing of an entity to an agent.
A derivation is a transformati ...... ased on a pre-existing entity.
A bundle is a named set of pro ...... of provenance to be expressed.
An empty collection is a collection without members.
An organization is a social or legal institution such as a company, society, etc.
Person agents are people.
A software agent is running software.
Provides a value that is a direct representation of an entity.
influencer: an identifier (o1) ...... nt that the former depends on;
influencee: an identifier (o2) for an entity, activity, or agent;
IF wasAttributedTo(e2,ag1,aAttr) holds, THEN wasInfluencedBy(e2,ag1) also holds.