An activity period, defining when an artist was musically active.
An arrangement event. ...... ctually published score).
An audio file, which may be available on a local file system or through http, ftp, etc.
A composition event. ...... for example), or both...
Organization or group of indiv ...... involved in the music market.
An expressive style o ...... enre you are refering to.
Any of various device ...... towards this taxonomy.
Trade name of a company that produces musical works or expression of musical works.
A means or instrumentality for storing or communicating musical manifestation.
A membership event, where one ...... ring a particular time period.
A movement is a self-contained ...... out a pause between them.
A person or a group o ...... sitivity and imagination
Group of musicians, or musical ...... off of a musical arrangement.
The intellectual or artistic ...... t particular time').
A single exemplar of a musical ...... med by a library, etc.).
This entity is related to th ...... microreproduction.
Distinct intellectual or ...... he art of the fugue
A performance event. ...... might produce a sound:-)
Published lyrics, as a book or as a text file, for example
A published score (subclass of MusicalManifestation)
A published record (manifestat ...... er the product of a recording)
A recording event. ...... r the "recording device".
A set of performances/recordin ...... t events using event:sub_event
A specific release, with barcode, box, liner notes, cover art, and a number of records
A release event, in a particul ...... a release grouping all these.
Musical manifestation release status.
Release type of a par ...... "album" or "interview"...
Here, we are dealing ...... f an arrangement process.
A subclass of Musical ...... formance and a recording.
A musical expression ...... ording/mastering session.
A subclass of Musical ...... ng a musical Performance.
A track on a particular record
Associates a work to an arrangement event where it was arranged
Associates an arrangement event to a work
Relates a musical man ...... roperty of frbr:examplar.
Used to relate an person or a ...... nifestation of a musical work.
Used to relate the manifestati ...... oup of person who compiled it.
Associates a MusicalW ...... a mo:composer Mozart.
Relates agents to the performances they were conducting
Relates a performance to the conductor involved
A related signal from which the described signal is derived.
Used to relate an artist who d ...... r into one single long track.
Used to relate a work or the e ...... r into one single long track.
This property ...... ss the audio content.
Relates a performance or a recording to the engineer involved
Relates agents to the performances/recordings they were engineering in