The year this value was measured
The value of this measured property
ISO numeric country code
The UDS are estimated using a ...... wo countries in a given year.
Start year of this country
ISO numeric country code
ISO numeric country code
Start year of this country
Start year of this country
End year of this country
End year of this country
End year of this country
ISO numeric country code
End year of this country
The value of this measured property
Start year of this country
Start year of this country
ISO numeric country code
The Gini of the spread of educ ...... me period varies by country).
Start year of this country
Start year of this country
Sulfur aerosols impact human h ...... ted climate model experiments.
Exchange rates to one unit of currency of the US (yearly averages).
ISO numeric country code
The value of this measured property
ISO numeric country code
The value of this measured property
Estimates of pigs per capita based on historical sources and modelling.
The value of this measured property
A component of the polityIV measure.
ISO numeric country code
The year this value was measured
ISO numeric country code
The value of this measured property
Start year of this country
ISO numeric country code
End year of this country
End year of this country
The value of this measured property
End year of this country
Start year of this country
Bauxite is a naturally occurri ...... F6), the Hall-Héroult process.
The Average years of education ...... ven for the period 1870-2010.
The value of this measured property
Start year of this country
The World Countries Urban Popu ...... of existing world countries.
Sulfur aerosols impact human h ...... ted climate model experiments.
ISO numeric country code
Start year of this country
The building labourers’ real wage is given annually for the period 1850-2010.