Managers Not Elsewhere Classified

Workers in this unit group perform managerial functions not elsewhere classified. Their functions include: planning, organising, directing and controlling a department (other than the production department) of an undertaking, establishment or organisation, within general policy laid down by directorate or governing body; participating in formulation of policy concerning a particular department; drawing up the programme of the department in accordance with policy decisions of general manager; co-operating with other departments of the organisation; negotiating with external organisations on questions affecting departmental policy; reporting to general manager or governing body on work of the department.

Managers Not Elsewhere Classified

Workers in this unit group perform managerial functions not elsewhere classified. Their functions include: planning, organising, directing and controlling a department (other than the production department) of an undertaking, establishment or organisation, within general policy laid down by directorate or governing body; participating in formulation of policy concerning a particular department; drawing up the programme of the department in accordance with policy decisions of general manager; co-operating with other departments of the organisation; negotiating with external organisations on questions affecting departmental policy; reporting to general manager or governing body on work of the department.