Engineering Technicians Not Elsewhere Classified

Workers in this unit group perform technical functions in engineering, normally under the direction and supervision of engineers, and are not elsewhere classified. Their functions include: assisting industrial engineers in connection with production engineering matters, time and motion studies, or safety measures and procedures; assisting manufacturing technologists specialising in ceramics and glass, food and drink, textiles, paper, leather or wood products, in connection with the development of plant and processes and technical supervision of processing operations; assisting agricultural engineers; assisting traffic planners; performing other technical tasks in engineering.

Engineering Technicians Not Elsewhere Classified

Workers in this unit group perform technical functions in engineering, normally under the direction and supervision of engineers, and are not elsewhere classified. Their functions include: assisting industrial engineers in connection with production engineering matters, time and motion studies, or safety measures and procedures; assisting manufacturing technologists specialising in ceramics and glass, food and drink, textiles, paper, leather or wood products, in connection with the development of plant and processes and technical supervision of processing operations; assisting agricultural engineers; assisting traffic planners; performing other technical tasks in engineering.