Intergenerational transmission ...... es from Zeeland, 1812-1962</i>
Time and space in historical demography; some case studies using Dutch micro-data
The Long Harm of Childhood: Ch ...... ty in Utah and The Netherlands
Fleskinderen. Voeding en zuigelingensterfte in Noord-Brabant tussen 1840 en 1940
Longevity defined as top 10% s ...... s a quantitative genetic trait
Meeting Report: The role of Beliefs and Perception on Body size
European Journal of Population
Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking
Brabant. Populair-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift over Brabantse geschiedenis en erfgoed
Onderzoek. Vakbulletin van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Marktonderzoekers
Historische Steekproef Nederlandse bevolking
Syllabus zesde landelijke genealogische computerdag 7 november 1992
Een kinderkerkhof? Regio, religie en babysterfte in laat negentiende-eeuws Noord-Brabant
Historische Steekproef Nederla ...... ngen en internationale context
Development of regional variet ...... in the Netherlands, 1812–1913
Homemakers and heights. Intra- ...... in the Netherlands, 1860–1930
Adult body height as a mediato ...... Dutch Potato Famine, 1846–1847
An Infants' Graveyard? Region, religion and infant mortality in North Brabant, 1840-1940.
The Impact of Parental Death i ...... in the Netherlands, 1850–1952
Death and the family. High mortality and the life course, The Netherlands, 1812-1912
Exceptional lives, extraordina ...... 19th and early-20th centuries
Theory and Practice of Histori ...... ble Approach using Linked Data
The impact of parental death o ...... s (The Netherlands, 1850–1940)
Changing gender relations, dec ...... es in 19th-century Netherlands
The age difference between spouses and reproduction in 19th century Sweden
Partner choice in the Netherla ...... f ascribed and achieved status