scale 1 (unregulated) to 4 (restricted)
expected years of life at birth
average years of education women/average years of education men
dimensionless, standardized score
air pollution, in Gg SO2
Exchange Rates to 1 Unit of Currency of the US
scale from 1 (unregulated) to 5 (regulated)
Bauxite Mine production (in thousand metric tons)
years of formal schooling
in thousands
Gg SO2 air pollution
Number of daily subsistence baskets that a daily wage buys
Total number of labour conflicts
Exchange Rates to 1 Unit of Currency of UK
number of deaths of children under one year of age per 1000 live births
Unique booktitles per million inhabitants
Zinc mine production (in 1000 metric tons, zinc content)
1 if there was a conflict in a given year, 0 otherwise
Binary: 1 if a country in a particular year had gold standard, 0 otherwise
expected years of life at birth
A higher score means less gender equality in favour of women.
scale 1 (unregulated) to 4 (restricted)
Ratio of girls to boys aged 0–5 by country and decade
Tungsten Mine production (in 1000 metric tons)
Iron Ore Mine production (in million metric tons)
positive value with 0 as lowest
x1000 ha
urban population as a percentage of total population
x 1000
Homicides per 100,000 inhabitants
number of universities founded in a year
Gini points
Lead mine production (in 1000 metric tons, lead content)
1=yes, 0=no
average years of education women/average years of education men
Aluminium primary smelter and refinery production (thousand tonnes)
Mean species abundance index
x 1000
scale from 1 (fixed) to 3 (selection)