Barend van Lin (ca. 1641-1705) met zijn jongere broer en zijn toekomstige zwager

Reliable maps and instruments were essential aids for determining the course and position of ships on their voyage and often largely unknown territories. Navigation depended to a large extent on the observation of the position of the stars; no wonder that astronomy and cartography blossomed in the 17th century. This painting shows an astronomer or cartographer surrounded by his scientific instruments: globes on the cupboard and on the table, on the left a tellurium (which was used to demonstrate the movement of the earth), in the foreground, far right, an astrolabium (for astronomical and geographical measurements), next to it a quadrant and a 'Dutch Circle' (for the measurement of angles).

Barend van Lin (ca. 1641-1705) met zijn jongere broer en zijn toekomstige zwager

Reliable maps and instruments were essential aids for determining the course and position of ships on their voyage and often largely unknown territories. Navigation depended to a large extent on the observation of the position of the stars; no wonder that astronomy and cartography blossomed in the 17th century. This painting shows an astronomer or cartographer surrounded by his scientific instruments: globes on the cupboard and on the table, on the left a tellurium (which was used to demonstrate the movement of the earth), in the foreground, far right, an astrolabium (for astronomical and geographical measurements), next to it a quadrant and a 'Dutch Circle' (for the measurement of angles).