Twee oorlogsschepen en een kaag op een woelige zee

From a low viewpoint three ships are depicted on a choppy sea. The ketch on the right is a sign that the coast cannot be far off. Van de Velde suggests a strong wind by showing the masts leaning well over to the right. The dramatic play of light tells the same story. The signature, left below, indicates that the artist viewed this drawing as an art work in its own right.

Twee oorlogsschepen en een kaag op een woelige zee

From a low viewpoint three ships are depicted on a choppy sea. The ketch on the right is a sign that the coast cannot be far off. Van de Velde suggests a strong wind by showing the masts leaning well over to the right. The dramatic play of light tells the same story. The signature, left below, indicates that the artist viewed this drawing as an art work in its own right.